Is Mindfulness the Fountain of Youth?

Exploring the Role of Mindfulness in Slowing Down Aging Introduction: As a mindfulness coach, I’ve often pondered the question: Is mindfulness the fountain of youth? In this post, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of mindfulness and aging, exploring its potential to influence the aging process. From the intriguing arena of telomeres to the profound…


Slow is Smooth and Smooth is Fast

In a recent email from an organization I once engaged with, a memory resurfaced—a moment that made me rethink the value of slowing down. It takes me back to a time when my kids were little, and we often escaped to the beauty of Colorado. One particular adventure stands out: renting a houseboat with friends…


New Year- Being Mindfully Ready

As we dive into the new year, let’s chat about how mindfulness brings a fresh perspective to our goals and intentions. No jargon, just a straightforward look at how we can navigate this journey. Definition of Goals: In mindfulness, goals are the things we’re aiming for — concrete, measurable stuff. Think of them as checkpoints…


Pull Out The Tool Box

Micro-Practices Finding peace in small moments Meditation prevents the build-up of stress and over-reactivity. It helps to establish a more peaceful, new normal. Whether you meditate or not there are situations when you are stressed in certain situations. Instead of using meditation in those moments, you can use a Peacefinder Practice or as a “quick-fix”…


Managing Holiday Stress

It happens each year, all of a sudden the holidays have arrived and our nervous system gets on high alert and we get that old feeling, “I’M STRESSED”.   Now is the perfect time to decide if this year you are going to be in control of the controllables.   Does this interest you?  Would you…


Can You Hear Me Now

Have you ever felt like you are not really being heard? You may find out that you are not alone. Although our intention may be in the right place, the myriad of distractions we encounter when we are speaking with others on a daily basis can be harmful to ourselves and our relationships. In today’s…


Thanksgiving Gratitude

As we get ready to celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving it’s a perfect time to be reminded how important having gratitude is beneficial for our brain health. Grat·i·tude- noun- the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Modern science has allowed us to recognize that gratitude actually does change…


What is Mindfulness Not

When you hear the word mindfulness what comes to mind? In our culture many of us want quick answers and don’t recognize that being mindful means just sitting in the present whether it’s a positive, negative, or a neutral experience which most of the time does not require an immediate answer. Ultimately it will save…
